Sarah Catherine Corbin was born on February 1, 1847 in Lake County, Indiana. Sarah Corbin left Lake County, Indiana with her parents, siblings and other extended family members when she was two or three years old and moved to Dodge County, Missouri. They remained there but a short time until in the mid-1850s when the family moved to Texas and remained there for approximately two years. From Texas, they moved north to Putnam County, Missouri where they settled on farms in Jackson Township near the village of West Liberty.
Sarah Catherine Corbin was living near West Liberty when she met John R. Marshall. Little is know of Marshall's early life. He was the son of Mutton M. Marshall and was born near St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri on June 8, 1844. His father died in 1845 and John R. Marshall was raised by his grandparents, but it is not known whether they were maternal or paternal. He said in another document that he had an older brother and sister but their names have been lost to history. John Marshall, in his Civil War Pension application says that the family Bible and other records were destroyed when the family home was burned during the Civil War. He declared that there were no records existing which would provide his birth date.

These are copies of actual Civil War
Records for John Marshall. The blog
author has about 40 documents from John Marshall's file kept in the U. S. National Archives.
Anyone can order military records from the U. S. National Archives by going to their website and making the request. Some of the regional archives now have records on-line.
Military records may not be released for 75 years which means that World War I records are now available but World War II and Korea are still private.
You have probably already discovered this, but if you click on these records, they become full-sized.
John R. Marshall enlisted on August 2, 1861 in Company M, 7th Regiment of the Missouri Calvary, Union Army at Putnam County, Missouri. On October 27, 1861, Marshall was wounded in the hand by the enemy at Spring Hill, Missouri. He was sent to the General Hospital in Jackson, Tennessee but the shot was not removed from his hand. It was later to be the primary cause for a partial disability resulting in a government disability pension being granted.
John Marshall returned to duty in January 1862 furnishing his own horse as he had throughout his service tenure. On September 17, 1862, John received some type of back injury and was left at the Army Hospital in Sedalia, Missouri. This injury was also mentioned on later pension requests. He was returned to duty on November 14, 1862. He continued in the normal routine of military life until he was promoted to Corporal on June 28, 1863. On January 1, 1864 Marshall's first term of service ended at Little Rock, Arkansas but he promptly re-enlisted on January 2, 1864, still a corporal. For re-enlisting he was paid a bounty of $400. He was still furnishing his own horse and saddle. When re-enlisting he gave his age as 19 years, his height as 5'5" his complexion as being fair, and his eyes gray. He had dark hair and listed his occupation as "Missouri Farmer."
On April 25, 1864 he was captured by Confederates at the Battle of Moro Bottoms near Marks Mills, Arkansas. He remained in prison until he was exchanged for Union prisoners on December 2, 1864 a total of more than seven months spent in prison at Galveston, Texas.
John Marshall was returned to Little Rock, Arkansas where he was raised to the rank of Sergeant on June 1, 1865. John enjoyed a furlough home after the promotion. On September 1, 1865 he mustered out of the Army and returned home to Putnam County, Missouri.
John's sister-in-law, Mary Elizabeth (Corbin) Wilder stated in a veteran's pension declaration in behalf of John Marshall on March 1, 1891 that she had known John as a neighbor of the family since 1860. He must have known his future wife in that case for several years since she was the sister of Mary Wilder.
John Marshall and Sarah Catherine Corbin were married by Dr. C. L. Collins on December 24, 1865 at the Methodist Church in Central City, Putnam County, Missouri only a few short months after John's return from the Civil War. John and Sarah Marshall immediately began farming in the community. Sarah Catherine was the daughter of James and Cynthia (Casteel) Corbin.
Alice Laura Marshall born October 9, 1866 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri
Robert J. Marshall born May 25, 1869 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri
died November 8, 1947 at Gibbons, Ruffalo County, Nebraska
John and Sarah C. (Corbin) Marshall in their flower garden at Ayr, Nebraska. Family members remembered that they always had lots of beautiful flowers and a large vegetable garden, from which John sold produce. They also had fruit trees, berry bushes and sold chickens and eggs.
The Marshall family moved to Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska with other Corbin, Wilder and Plummer family members in 1873 and remained at Ayr, Nebraska the remainder of their lives.
John and Sarah Marshall's gravestone in the Blue Valley Cemetery, Ayr, Adams, Nebraska.
Sarah Catherine Marshall died on her husband's birthday, June 8, 1929 at the age of 81 years. After her death, John Marshall moved to the home of his son, Robert J. Marshall, who was living in Gibbon, Nebraska on the Platte River, in Ruffalo County. John Marshall died on March 14, 1933 at the age of 88. The cause of death was listed as cancer of the face. John Marshall was buried beside his wife of 63 years in the Blue Valley Cemetery, Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska.
Alice Laura Marshall was born October 9, 1866 in West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri the first child of John R. and Sarah C. (Corbin) Marshall. Alice moved to Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska with her parents and other extended family members in 1873.
Alice L. Marshall was married to Thomas Yundt who was born in 1855 in the State of Illinois. They were the parents of four children:
Arzella Harriet Yundt born November 23, 1884 at Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska
died April 5, 1967 at Stockton, California
Ida Yundt born in 1887
died in 1962 and is buried in Denver, Colorado
Paul Lloyd Yundt born in Adams County, Nebraska
died February 12, 1950 in Long Beach, California
Lulu Yundt born November 25, 1903 at Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska
died July 25, 1922 of complications from appendicitis at Ayr, Adams, Nebraska.
A photograph of the Thomas Yundt Family: Back Row L-R: Ida (Yundt) Cruz and Arzella (Yundt) Versaw. Front Row L-R are Paul Yundt, Alice (Marshall) Yundt, Lulu Yundt and Thomas Yundt.
Arzella Harriet Yundt was born November 23, 1884 at Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska to Thomas and Alice Laura (Marshall) Yundt. She was married to George Alva Versaw on June 8, 1911 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. George Alva Versaw was born on December 18, 1887 at Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska to Francis E. and Lottie Baker Versaw.
Mr. Versaw was a farmer all of his life. Arzella Versaw was a sschool teacher and after the death of her first husband, married a second time to Fredrich E. Versaw.
George and Arzella were the parents of two children:
Thomas Versaw ---who died at birth
Francis Alva Versaw --- Born December 15, 1915 at Pauline, Adams County, Nebraska.
Francis Alva Versaw was born December 15, 1915 at Pauline, Nebraska and married Delma Irene Valentine. Delma Valentine was born January 23, 1915 at Roseland, Nebraska.
They were the parents of one son, Larry Vallee Versaw who was born on September 30, 1936 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska and died January 30, 1937 at Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska.
Robert John Marshall was born Mary 25, 1869 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri to John R. and Sarah Catherine (Corbin) Marshall. Robert moved to Ayr, Nebraska with his parents at the age of 4. He grew up in that community and attended schools there.
Robert was married to Mary Elizabeth Wheeler in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska on December 30, 1892. Mary Elizabeth was the daughter of Charles Jackson and Jane Amelia (Boggs) Wheeler. After their marriage they engaged in the mercantile business both in Ary and Leroy, Nebraska.
A Marshall Family Gathering about 1920 in Ayr, Nebraska. Top Row L-R: Homer and Sylvia Marshall Sheppard; John and Sarah C. Marshall; Robert J. and Mary Elizabeth Marshall. Bottom Row: L_R Betty Sheppard, Bill Sheppard, Dick Robinson, Ruth Sheppard, and Robert Robinson.
Robert entered the telephone business in Ayr, Nebraska and afterwards in Blue Hill, Nebraska. It was while they were in Blue Hill that both of his surviving daughters, Marie and Sylvia were married in a double wedding ceremony.
In 1920, Robert and Mary Marshall moved to Ansley, Nebraska where they lived and worked in the telephone business for 8 years. In 1929, they moved to Gibbon, Nebraska where they spent the remainder of their lives with the Nebraska Central Telephone Company. In October 1929, they united with the Gibbon Presbyterian Church. They were both active members and held various offices in the church. Robert and Mary were active in other business and fraternal organizations in Gibbon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Marshall
In December 1942, Robert and Mary celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary as church members, friends and relatives gathered at their brick residence. A tea was held from 4:30pm to 6:00pm.
On April 28, 1944 Mary died in the hospital in Kearney, Nebraska. She had been a member of the Presbyterian Church and her funeral was held in Gibbon, Nebraska. Robert remained with the telephone company, living in Gibbon until his death on November 8, 1947. Services were held in the Presbyterian Church, at Gibbon and both are buried in the Gibbon Cemetery, Gibbon, Nebraska.
Marie Cynthia Marshall was born April 2, 1896 at LeRoy, Adams County, Nebraska to Robert and Mary Elizabeth (Wheeler) Marshall.
Marie was married to Walter "Iven" Robinson on February 10, 1920 in a double wedding ceremony with her sister Sylvia. Iven Robinson grew up in Franklin County, Nebraska attending schools there. He was the son of Lemuel and Emily (Garretson) Robinson.
L-R: Mary Elizabeth (Wheeler) Marshall, Marie (Marshall) Robinson, Sarah C. Marshall, Walter "Iven" Robinson, John Marshall and boy in front is Robert W. Marshall.
The Robinsons were the parents of four children:
Robert Walter Robinson born March 16, 1921 at Ansley, Nebraska
died in November 1969.
Richard Marvel Robinson born November 23, 1923 at Bloomington, Nebraska
died ?
Mary Beth Robinson born March 20, 1927 at Sidney, Nebraska
died ?
Donna Marie Robinson born July 28, 1932 at Sidney, Nebraska
died December 1, 1975 at Oneida, Wisconsin
Iven received a good education and taught school. He was principal at Ayr, Nebraska and assistant principal at Bloomington soon after marriage and in 1947, moved to Sidney, Nebraska where they lived eight years. In 1935, the Robinsons moved to Evanston, Illinois where they made their home for 42 years. In November 1969, their oldest son, Robert, died while serving as a Missionary in Africa. He first married Ruth Johannson and later Jean Lindlad. On December 1, 1975, Donna Marie died at Onieda, Wisconsin.
During the later part of 1976, Iven and and Marie moved to Iowa City, Iowa where their daughter and family lived. After living there only five months, Marie passed away. Iven remained in Iowa City, and lived three more years. At the time this information was gathered in 1978, the Robinsons were grandparents of 18. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are buried in Memory Gardens, Arlington Heights, Illinois.
Four Generations of the Marshall Family: L-R Arzella Harriet (Yundt) Versaw, John Marshall, Alice Louisa (Marshall) Yundt and Sarah C. (Corbin) Marshall is holding Francis A. Versaw.
Sylvia Viola Marshall was the daughter of Robert J. and Mary Elizabeth (Wheeler) Marshall and was born on June 24, 1901 at LeRoy, Adams County, Nebraska. Sylvia was married to Homer Sheppard on February 10, 1920 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Marshall. The double wedding ceremony took place at 8:00pm in Blue Hills, Nebraska.

A Photo of Homer and Sylvia (Marshall) Sheppard.
Homer Sheppard was the son of Bertrand V. and Kittie A. (Caldwell) Sheppard. Homer grew to manhood in the Blue Hill area of Nebraska. He was graduated from high school there and worked with his father doing carpentry and also helping on their farm. Homer and Sylvia moved to that farm the spring after they married . They didn't remain on the farm for long but lived in towns through Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri and Kansas. Around 1931, they moved to Colorado and Homer started his own construction business in the midst of the Great Depression. Sylvia was the bookkeeper and enjoyed doing the office work plus raising their large family. Homer worked very hard and the business progressed.
In 1954, with only two children remaining at home, Homer and Sylvia moved to Nebraska where Homer went to work for the company he had started with. They lived in Nebraska for 10 years. In 1964, they decided to move to California where four of their children lived. Homer helped his two sons in their own businesses and Sylvia went to work in a Christian Book Store. They loved to travel and they would visit their children in other parts of the country.
L-R: Marie C. Robinson and Sylvia V. Sheppard, daughters of Mr and Mrs. R. J. Marshall.
In 1970, Homer and Sylvia celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. The reception was held in the Fellowship Hall of their church with all nine children there to help celebrate the occasion. In 1975, Homer retired and Sylvia was semi-retired but still worked at the book store part-time.
On June 5, 1978, Homer passed away and eight months later, on February 22, 1979, Sylvia passed away. When this information was collected in 1979, all nine children were living and there were 15 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Homer and Sylvia Sheppard are buried in Mountain View Cemetery, San Bernadino, California.
Information on the nine children of Sylvia and Homer Sheppard, gathered in 1978:
1. Ruth Alene Sheppard was born December 31, 1920 at Ansley, Nebraska and married first, Colin Lester Campbell. Colin was born January 21, 1928. Ruth and Colin were the parents of three children:
Colin Mark Campbell born February 10, 1951 in Denver, Colorado.
Robert Marshall Campbell born February 25, 1952 in Denver Colorado.
Melodie Ruth Campbell born November 1, 1959 in Denver, Colorado.
Ruth Alene (Sheppard) Campbell married second Wayne Edwin Avis. Wayne was born September 12, 1931. As of 1978, Wayne and Ruth Avis had no children.
2. Wilbert Marshall Sheppard was born October 26, 1922 in Huntley, Nebraska. On January 1, 1947, Wilbert married Phyllis Mae Koeneke. Phyllis was the daughter of Rudolph A. and Florence E. (Peters) Koeneke. Wilbert and Phyllis were the parents of two children:
Kitty Ann Sheppard born October 27, 1949 and Patrick Terry Sheppard born January 27, 1951. Patrick was married to Debra Dieta on September 9, 1974 at Ralto, California.
3. Betty Alice Sheppard was born August 29, 1925 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado. She was married on August 6, 1944 to Donald C. Tiller. Donald was born August 29, 1925 at Indianola, Nebraska. Donald is the son of Charles and Ola (Martin) Tiller. Betty and Donald are the parents of five children:
Pamela Kay Tiller born June 29, 1945 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado.
Deborah Ruth Tiller born April 11, 1949 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado.
Martin Kent Tiller born February 20, 1951 at Santa Maria, California.
Tobin Nathan Tiller born November 30, 1953 at San Luis Abispo, California
Suzanne Elaine Tiller born September 28, 1959 at Santa Anna, California
4. Lyle Homer Sheppard was born March 19, 1927 at Lexington, Missouri. He was married on January 2, 1949 at Kansas City, Missouri to Virginia Weber. Virginia was born February 24, 1931 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado to Al and Lucy (Evans) Weber. Lyle and Virginia are the parents of four children:
Michael Sheppard born and died April 10, 1949 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado.
Kent Shea Sheppard born December 1, 1952 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado
Sherry Kay Sheppard born March 17, 1955 at Kansas City, Missouri
Bambi Sue Sheppard born January 11, 1960 at Omaha, Nebraska.
5. Marian Jeanne Sheppard was born October 28, 1927 at Higginsville, Missouri. She was married to Dorsey J. Meads on June 5, 1949 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado. Dorsey is the son of Dorsey W. and Mary Lou (Curnell) Meads. Marian and Dorsey Meads are the parents of one child:
Kathryn Sue Meads born September 21, 1952 at Tuscon, Arizona.
6. Keith Robert Sheppard was born on May 26, 1931 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado and was married on October 10, 1953 at Laurel, Mississippi to Edna Morgan. Edna is the daughter of James E. and Julia M. (Ratcliff) Morgan. Keith and Edna Sheppard are the parents of three children:
Susan Rebbeca Sheppard born March 9, 1955 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado
Joanilynn Sheppard born May 31, 1958 at San Bernadino, California
Mitzi Gayle Sheppard born November 6, 1959 at San Bernadino, California
7. Patricia Joy Sheppard was born April 1, 1936 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado. She was married to Dale Reger on June 18, 1954 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado. Dale is the son of Lester A. and Ada E. (Grove) Reger. Patricia and Dale Reger are the parents of two children:
Sandra Darlene Reger born January 23, 1936 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado
Timothy Allen Reger born September 5, 1959 at San Diego, California.
The Sheppard Family: Front Row L-R: Ruth Avis, Sylvia Sheppard, Betty Tiller, Virginia Sheppard, Lyle Sheppard, Marian Mead, Edna Sheppard, Patricia Reger, Sally Sheppard and Larry Sheppard.
Row Two L-R: Wayne Avis, Phyllis Sheppard, Bill Sheppard,d Don Tiller, Dorsey Mead, Nancy George, Keith Sheppard, Dale Reger. This photo was taken at Keith Sheppard's home.
8. Larry Kent Sheppard was born April 27, 1938 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado and married Sally Schreiner on May 2, 1960 at Wayne, Nebraska. Sally is the daughter of Raymond and Mildred (Vaughn) Schreiner. Larry and Sally Sheppard are the parents of four children:
Kevin Kent Sheppard born November 19, 1963 at Charles City, Nebraska
Matthew Vaughn Sheppard born May 23, 1964 at Fremont, Nebraska
Douglas Sheppard born April 22, 1969 in Fremont Nebraska
Jennifer Sheppard born April 1, 1975 in Fremont, Nebraska
9. Nancy Jane Sheppard was born May 24, 1939 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado. She was married to Ron George on April 3, 1964 in Tehran, Iran. Ron is the son of Alfred and Alice (Anderson) George and is a missionary. They have lived in Spain, India, Iran and England since their marriage. Ron and Nancy George are the parents of two children:
Nathan George born on October 20, 1965 in Bolton, England
Andrew George born on February 5, 1968 in Bombay, India.
The Sheppard Family - L-R kneeling: Suzanne Tiller, Mitzi Sheppard, Joni Sheppard and Sandi Reger.
First Row: Laurene Tiller, Kitty Williams, Sylvia Sheppard, Bambi Sheppard.
Second Row: Terry Dunn, Pam Dunn, Martin Tiller, Toby Tiller, Hallie Tiller, Debbie Sheppard and Pat Sheppard.
The child being held is Stacie Williams, a great grandchild.
The collection of this information and these photographs during the late 1970s was a major effort. I'm hopeful that a descendant of these cousins will send me updated information which I will gladly share on this blog.
Happy Trails!
I am Diana Louise Yundt Stephens, 12/23/51, and have read this posting read with great fascination and joy, as Paul Lloyd Yundt, mentioned above, was my grandfather. He and Margaret Stone had one child, Gary Lloyd Yundt, 12/18/28, but the marriage didn't last into my father's memory. He does recall meeting "Grandpa Marshall" as a very young child, and of course well well acquainted with both of his aunts, Arzell and Ida. He last saw his cousin Frances,pictured above, in 1978.
ReplyDeleteGary married Ellen Mae Jacobs of Norwood, Colorado on 11/25/50. I am the oldest, with Steven Paul, 9/18/53, Joanna Marie, 9/06/55, and David Lloyd, 4/1/61. Steve married Gene in November of 1978, and had Jake, who together with Lindsay, produced Wyatt Paul Yundt on Feb. 21, 2012, so we are proud to have the Yundt surname continuing.
I appreciate your Christian testimonies. Please respond if you would like more information.
Diana----it always makes my day to hear from one of my cousins---and one with such an attractive family is doubly pleasing. Although I didn't start writing about the Corbin/Marshall family until 2011, I'm glad I gathered the information and photos during the 1970s. It would have been more difficult today. I'm in the midst of tax "stuff" right now but I'll have questions for you. I'd love to update the information I had from 1978 to 2013 so you might think about how that could be done and who we'll need to be in contact with. I'll get back to you after a couple of weeks. It's great to hear from you and many blessings! Nick