Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier's 88th Birthday Photograph
January 15, 2013
Joan lived with the family for a short time in Eskridge, Kansas but spent the majority of her youth in Maple Hill, Kansas. She attended Maple Hill Grade School and moved with her family to Topeka, Kansas where they lived for a short period of time allowing Joan to graduation from Topeka High School.
This may well be the first photograph of Joan Andrews. The picture was taken in front of the Frank and Amy Penrice home in Eskridge, Kansas. L-R are: Fred Banta, second husband of Lucy Mae (Lemon) Mccauley, holding Joan Corbin, Mildred Corbin, Lucille Corbin, George Corbin and Lucy Mae (Lemon) McCauley-Banta-Strong. The Corbins rented a farm east of Eskridge, near present day Lake Wabaunsee. While in Eskridge, the Penrice family were their good friends.
This is a 1944 photograph of the Corbin Sisters. Left to Right are Vivian, Lucille, Joan and Sarah. The photo was taken on the south side of the stone house owned by the Franklin Adams Estate, three miles east of Maple Hill, Kansas. Their father, Robert Corbin, was employed by the Adams Estate as a tenant farmer. This photo was taken shortly after Lucille (Corbin) Clark gave birth to Nicholas L. Clark on November 16, 1944.
Joan was a member of Maple Hill Community Congregational Church in Maple Hill, Kansas and was active in the community. She took a few piano lessons but mainly taught herself to play the piano very well. As a child, I remember many wonderful Sunday afternoons spent in the home of my grandparents, Robert and Mildred (McCauley) Corbin, with Aunt Joan at the piano and all of my aunts, uncles and cousins gathered around singing. The Corbins and their extended families were definitely music lovers and enjoyed these song fests.
The Topeka High School graduation photograph of Joan Corbin
Joan Corbin was married to Richard George Andrews at the Maple Hill Community Congregational Church on April 20, 1946. Rick Andrews was born March 28, 1924 at Oak Hill, Connecticut. He served in the United States Army in World War II, and was a member of the Alamo Scouts, a forerunner of today's special forces. The unit worked behind enemy lines in the South Pacific. After the war ended he and Aunt Joan were married and traveled to Connecticut where they lived for several years. Uncle Rick enjoyed motorcycles and they rode from Kansas to Connecticut for pleasure.
In 1951, the Andrews returned to Kansas where Rick Andrews became employed at the Veteran's Hospital in Topeka, Kansas. The hospital grew in size as veterans needing care returned from World War II. There was also a unit that cared for older veterans of World War I. He remained with the Veteran's Hospital his entire career. Rick and Joan Andrews lived 2509 High Street in Topeka for several years and later purchased the frame home of Frank and Flossie Mackie and moved to Maple Hill, Kansas.

My Aunt Joan was always a "fun" person as this photo would indicate. She has always had a sweet laugh and uses it often. Aunt Joan is now 88, but still loves to have a good time, is in good health, loves to travel with her family, and generally enjoyes life.
This is a photograph taken in 1937 or 1938 on the south side of the Robert Corbin house in Maple Hill, Kansas. L-R are Mildred Mae (McCauley) Corbin, Lucy Mae (Lemon) Banta-Strong, Charles M. Mitchell with Vivian Corbin in front of him, Bonnie (Thomas) Mitchell with Sarah Emma Corbin in front, Jerod T. Strong, and William Alexander Mitchell in back with mustache. We're not sure who the little girl is in front of "Uncle Billie" Mitchell. It could be his granddaughter, Marilyn Kelling, daughter of Pete and Virginia (Mitchell) Kelling. Mildred Corbin and Charles Mitchell were Lemon first cousins. Lucy Mae (Lemon) McCauley and Mary Jane (Lemon) Mitchell, wife of William Alexander Mitchell, were sisters.
Joan (Corbin) and Richard G. Andrews were the parents of three children: Bruce Charles Andrews born April 12, 1954, Christine Mae Andrews born August 11, 1957 and Coleen Ann Andrews born February 5, 1959. The Andrews children attended Maple Hill Grade School and graduated from and Royal Valley High School in Jackson County, Kansas.
This union ended in divorce. Richard Andrews died March 7, 2003 at Topeka, Kansas.
Joan was married a second time on June 8, 1968 to Robert Lyle Frazier, son of Roy E. and Nellie (Crouse) Frazier. The wedding occurred at the Maple Hill Community Congregational Church, Maple Hill, Kansas. Mr. Frazier was born April 18, 1926 and operated his family farm for many years. He worked for the Supply Depot in Topeka, Kansas for 10 years and later worked for the State of Kansas. He served in the U. S. Army in Germany.
Bob Frazier helped raise Joan's three children who thought of him as a father. He was a very hard worker, and spent many happy hours tending his family's farm and cattle. He was a good husband, attentive to his wife and family. I knew Uncle Bob from 1967 until his death on February 6, 2002. Although his later years were clouded with emphasema, he had a good disposition, was always ready to help anyone he could, and seldom uttered a disparaging word. He and Aunt Joan were members of the Mayetta United Methodist Church, where Bob held offices and Aunt Joan served as pianist. Uncle Bob was a member of Masonic Lodge #282, AF&AM at Mayetta, Kansas and he and Aunt Joan were both active in the Order of the Eastern Star there.
I was blessed with wonderful aunts and uncles. I spent a lot of time with Aunt Joan's family. Aunt Joan was musical and so was I. She always found time to accompany me for a special programs or to help me with my piano lesson. She was always there for any of us when we needed her.
Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier's oldest child is Bruce Charles Andrews, born April 12, 1954. I'm awaiting information about his family.
Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier's second child is Christine Mae Andrews, born August 11, 1957. Chris attended Maple Hill Grade School and Royal Valley High School. Chris was married to Lee Allen Tuck on July 24, 1976 at St. Marys Immaculate Conception Church in Valley Falls, Kansas. Lee is the son of Lester E. and Annella Marie (Fiegener) Tuck, both deceased.
Lee Tuck founded his own concrete construction company and has been very successful, often employing his children and their spouses as well as others. Lee's concrete construction company's name is ATM Concrete. The "A" stands for Ann, in reference to Lee's mother. The "T" is for Tuck, and the "M" is for Men. Or, some would say, All Tuck Men, who knows!! The choice for the name was really trying to come up with something that started with an "A", as that would be the first letter of the alphabet and for advertising purposes would be the first name you might see. Lee, Kristopher and Adam, all work together and have created a very successful company which has a great reputation for honesty and quality work. They have been in business for 20 years now, and do all types of residential concrete (basements, sidewalks, patios, etc), as well as commercial jobs. They are also doing some work with "stamp-crete" and other decorative concrete, which seems to be popular now.
The first picture is Lee and Kristopher, working together on the concrete around the pool we put in last summer.
This is "stamped" concrete work done by ATM Concrete.
Chris (Andrews) Tuck has been in the nursing field all of her career. She has worked and studied hard and has attained many honors. Here is her academic history:
1979 - Kaw Valley Technical School - Licensed Practical Nursing Certification
1982 - Stormont Vail School of Nursing - Nursing Certification
1993 - Washburn University - School Nurse Certification
1999 - Graceland College - BA in Science of Nursing
2003 - California College of Health Sciences - Masters of Science in Service
Administration with emphasis in Community Health
From 1191 to the present, Chris has been the Director of Health Services and School Nurse for Seaman School District #345 in Topeka, Kansas.
Just a few of Christine's professional services are:
1988 - Kansas School Nursing Organiation
1990 - National Association of School Nurses
2006 - Kansas School Nurse of the Year
2008-2010 - President Kansas School Nurses Organization
2010-2014 - Kansas Representative to the National Association of School Nurses
2012 - Appointed to serve on the National Executive Board of the National
Association of School Nurses.
When Chris Tuck is credited in presentations or books her certiciation is listed as: Christine Tuck, MS, RN, BSN, NCSN. Chris says that she has achieved National Certification in School Nursing, which she claims is likely her proudest attainment.
Chris has authored many phamplets and books, has been appointed to local, state and national committees and boards by the Kansas Governor and others, and has received the accalaides of her associates and colleagues.
In the midst of working full-time and going to school for many years, Chris and Lee are also the parents of four children:
Kristopher Lee Tuck - July 19, 1978, Wamego, Pottawatomi, Kansas
Alicia Dawn Tuck - April 29, 1980, Wamego, Pottawatomi, Kansas
Mollee Coleen Tuck - October 8, 1983, Wamego, Pottawatomi, Kansas
Adam James Tuck - December 30, 1984, Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas.
The Tucks raised their family in a burmed house built by Lee Tuck on his parent's farm in rural Jackson County, Kansas.
In addition to her professional life, Chris (Andrews) Tuck also enjoys running. Here is what she wrote about how it all started. "I started running at age 30, and ran with some of my pediatric nursing colleagues during our lunch hour or after work. I typically ran 4 to 5 times a week, and depending upon the time of year, run 12 to 30 miles a week. I have ran three marathons ( San Antonio, TX 2004; Chicago, IL 2007; Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC, 2011)."
"I recently ran a Half Marathon, in Des Moines, IA in Oct of this year, with my niece and nephew, Cameron and Kaney Tyler. I have also run 5K’s and am now working on the next generation of my family to run!"

In this photo, L-R are: Christine (Andrews) Tuck, Cameron Tyler and Kaney Tyler. Cameron and Kaney are Chris' nephew and niece and the children of Coleen (Andrews) and Jim Tyler.
This is a photo of the Christine (Andrews) and Lee A. Tuck Family taken at the August 2012 Corbin Family Reunion at Gage Park, Topeka, Kansas. In parinthesis behind each child's name, is their parent's name. L-R in the front row are: Maecy Tuck (Kristopher), Max Tuck (Kristopher), Jaxon Padilla (Alicia), Aidan Tuck (Adam), Olivia Tuck (Kristopher), Emmy Goldberg (Mollee), Averi Tuck (Adam), Halle Tuck (Kristopher), Aysai Padilla (Alicia), Rylee McKinley (Mollee.)
Second row, L-R are: Kristopher and Jill Tuck, Alicia and Christopher Padilla, Jen Tuck with Anella and Adam Tuck, Mollee McKinley with boyfriend Jeff Wilkerson and his son Tucker.
Back row L-R: Lee A. Tuck, Christine (Andrews) Tuck and Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier.
Second row, L-R are: Kristopher and Jill Tuck, Alicia and Christopher Padilla, Jen Tuck with Anella and Adam Tuck, Mollee McKinley with boyfriend Jeff Wilkerson and his son Tucker.
Back row L-R: Lee A. Tuck, Christine (Andrews) Tuck and Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier.
This photo was taken on Christmas 2012 and is a photo of the children, grandchildren and great granchildren of Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier. There are three missing from this photo, Lindsey Andrews, Kelsey Andrew's son Taegan, and the wife of Scott Andrews, Jamie Andrews.
L-R on floor in front are: Emmy Goldberg (Mollee), and Macey Tuck (Kristopher.)
Second Row L-R are: Aysia (Alicia), Rylee (Mollee), Olivia (Kristopher), Max (Kristopher), Aidan (Adam), Jaxon (Alicia), Hallee (Kristopher), Averi (Adam), Kelsey (Bruce's youngest daughter.)
Third Row L-R are: Adam, Jen with Anella Tuck, Jill Tuck, Coleen Tyler, Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier, Christine (Andrews) Tuck, Laurie (Pierce) Andrews with grandson Parker (Scott) Andrews.
Fourth Row L-R: Kristopher Tuck, Alicia (Tuck) Padilla, Mollee (Tuck) Padilla, Kaney Tyler (Coleen), Lee A. Tuck, Bruce Andrews with grandson Ryder (Scott) Andrews and Jim Tyler.
Back Row L-R: Christoper Padilla, Jeff Wilkerson (Mollee's boyfriend) with his son Tucker, Cameron (Coleen) Tyler and Scott (Bruce) Andrews.
Coleen Ann Andrews, youngest child of Joan (Corbin) and Richard G. Andrews, was born on February 5, 1959 at First United Methodist Church, Holton, Jackson County, Kansas. Coleen attended grade school at Maple Hill, Kansas and later at Hoyt, Kansas. She graduated from Royal Valley High School, Jackson County, Kansas.
Coleen was married to James Alan "Jim" Tyler. Jim Tyler was born on June 9, 1957 at Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois to Paul Durad and Patricia Ann (Craft) Tyler. Jim and Coleen were married on October 20, 1979 at Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. Jiim and Coleen have lived in Topeka, Kansas and Lawrence, Kansas all their married lives.
Jim has worked at Westar Energy for 33 years. He is the Director, Distribution Services. Coleen just celebrated her 32nd anniversary at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas and she is the Director of Underwriting and Contract Administration.
Jim and Coleen (Andrews) Tyler are the parents of two children: Cameron Joseph Tyler and Kaney Nicole Tyler. Cameron was born on April 15, 1983 and Kaney was born on May 8, 1985.
Cameron just began his seventh year in the U.S. Army. He is a Combat Medic, 82nd Airborne Division, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. He will turn 30 in April.
Kaney is the head women's soccer coach at Washburn University of Topeka. She will have her Masters in Sports Administration in May 2013 from Southern New Hampshire University which, ironically enough, recruited her to play soccer after high school. Instead, Kaney played soccer at and graduated from Missouri Southern University, Joplin, Mo. She will be 27 in May.
Jim and Coleen (Andrews) Tyler now live in rural Lawrence, Kansas.
(Note: This is a work in progress. There will be more information to come about Joan (Corbin) Andrews-Frazier's second marriage and her children and their families.)
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