Why? Because James P. Corbin married Clara Angelen Howe and when she died suddenly, he then married her mother, Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe.
Pheobe Ann Howe was a widow with small children and James P. Corbin was a widower with one infant child. His daughter needed a mother and Pheobe Howe needed a father to help raise her children. As often happened, James P. and Phebe (Dunn) Howe-Corbin then also had children. So trying to keep the full and half brothers and sisters becomes somewhat challenging. Let us begin.
James Polk Corbin was the sixth child of James and Cynthia Ann (Casteel) Corbin. He was born on July 13, 1850 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri. Some genealogists question whether he was born in Dodge or Putnam County, Missouri since the U. S. Census in Dodge County, Missouri was taken on October 5, 1850 and both James and Cynthia Ann Corbin and her parents, William and Mary Casteel are recorded as living in Dodge County, Missouri at that time. Even stranger, their infant son, James Polk Corbin, who is supposed to have been born on July 13, 1850, is not recorded when the census is taken three months after his birth in Dodge County, Missouri.
James Polk Corbin went to school in Putnam County, Missouri and helped his father farm there. Little is known of his early childhood. He made the trip to Ayr Township, Adams County, Nebraska with his parents and other family members in the mid-1870s. He claimed a 160-acre homestead in Ayr Township in 1873.
Seven years later, he married Clara Angelen Howe on May 17, 1880 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Clara Angelen was the daughter of George Washington and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe and was born in 1864 at Newaygo County, Michigan.

George Washington Howe was the son of Hiram Hirum Howe who was a farmer and born in Vermont. His mother is unknown. She was the first wife of Hiram Hirum Howe who married a second time to Arathusa Amthusa Pease. The first wife was the mother of Draper Howe, and George Washington Howe.
Amthusa (Pease) Howe was the mother of August Howe, Lana Howe, Himan Howe, Jr., Edmund A. Howe and Victor Edmund Howe.
Phoebe Ann Dunn was the daughter of William and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Dunn and was born on September 23, 1842 in New York State. She married George Washington Howe in Noble County, Indiana on May 9, 1859. They were the parents of the following children:
Frances Matilda Howe (1862 - )
Clara Angelene Howe (1864-1882)
Cecelia Amelia Howe (1867-1932)
Lester Altho Howe (1868 - 1937)
Elsie Rozella Howe (1870--1942)
Flora and Nora Howe (1875 - 1876)
Ralph Warner Howe (1877-1937)
Victor Edmund Howe (1880-1948)
All of the children except Ralph and Edmund were born in Newago County, Michigan. Ralph and Edmund were born in Nebraska. George Washington Howe was a veteran of the Civil War and served in Company B, Sixth Michigan Infantry. He enlisted in Michigan in 1862. According to U. S. Census reports, the family was living in Sheridan, Newaygo County, Michigan in 1870 and in Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska in 1880. The U. S. Census was taken on June 3, 1880 and George W. Howe was still alive.
George Washington Howe died on November 2, 1880 on his farm near Ayr, Adams County, Nebraska leaving his wife Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe a widow with seven children at home.

Clara Angelen Howe was the daughter of George W. and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe. She was born in Newaygo County, Michigan in 1864 and married James Polk Corbin at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska on May 27, 1880. Clara was 18-years-old. Clara A. (Howe) Corbin lived with James P. Corbin on his 160-acre farm south of Hastings, Nebraska. She gave birth to a son, Arthur Lee Corbin on March 2, 1882. Arthur Lee Corbin was born prematurely and shortly after his birth, Clara A. (Howe) Corbin contracted measles, which progressed to pnuemonia and she died in April, 1882 and is buried in Highland Cemetery, Adams County, Nebraska. No tombstone has been found there but it is assumed that she is buried next to her father, George Washington Howe, who had died two years earlier and is buried in Highland Cemetery, Adams County, Nebraska.
The death of George Washington Howe and his daughter, Clara Angelen (Howe) Corbin, left two single parent families and James Polk Corbin and his mother-in-law, Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe were married on August 30, 1882. James P. Corbin was 32-years-old and Phebe Ann Howe was 39. The wedding certificate was witness by Levi L. and Martha Jane (Corbin) Plummer, the brother-in-law and sister of James Corbin.
James Polk and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin had three children of their own:
Elmer Nathaniel Corbin born May 26, 1883 at Adams County, Nebraska
Daisy May Corbin born October 24, 1884 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska
and Herman Alfred Corbin born November 25, 1891 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska.

This is a photo of the James Polk Corbin family. L-R are Arthur Lee Corbin, his father James Polk Corbin, Elmer Nathaniel Corbin, Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin, Daisy May Corbin, seated in the middle is a boy who is identified only as "Laurence" and the baby is Herman Alfred Corbin.
For some unknown reason, James and Phoebe (Dunn) Howe-Corbin sold their farms (he owned 160-acres and she owned the Howe Farm of 160-acres) and returned to Jackson Township, Putnam County, Missouri in 1892.
James Polk Corbin suffered some kind of horrific injury to the right side of his face. His right eye was completely destroyed and covered by heavy scar tissue. The cause of this injury is not known at this writing. The family members with whom I have corresponded were not aware of a cause.
James and Phebe Ann Howe-Corbin lived on their farm in Putnam County, Missouri the remainder of their lives. They went to visit James Polk Corbin's brother, George Washington Corbin, who was the proprietor of several railroad hotels in southern Kansas. One of the hotels was at Corwin, Kansas. It was while James P. and Phebe Ann Corbin were visiting there, that she died suddenly on November 9, 1907. Her body was taken back to Missouri by train for burial.
On October 10, 1911, James Polk Corbin made a Last Will and Testament which reads as follows:
I, James P. Corbin of Putnam County, Missouri, being over 21 years of age and of sound mind and memory, do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament as follows:
First: I will that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid.
Second: I give to each of my children: Arthur Lee, Elmer Nathaniel, Daisy May, and Herman Alfred, the sum of Ten Dollars each.
Third: I will to my son Herman Alfred, my interest in the north half of the northeast quarter of Section Nine, Township Sixty-Five, Range Twenty, he to allow my son Arthur Lee Corbin a home on said tract so long as he may live, this being the consideration for my interest in said 80 acre tract last above described only.
Fourth: My son Herman Alfred Corbin having helped me at all times, and assisted din accumulating and holding for me all the property other than the above interest in the said north half, Northeast quarter, Section 9, above described, I hereby will, devise and bequeath until said son Herman Alfred Corbin all the rest, reissue and remainder of my property of which I may die seized and possessed, including goods, chattels, real estate, and all property of any name and nature of which I die seized and possessed to be his property absolutely and to go to his heirs and assigns forever at my death.
Fifth: I hereby nominate and appoint my son Herman Alfred Corbin to be executor of this my Last Will and Testament and request that he be not required to give bond.
Sixth: It is my will that should any of the above named children die prior to my death, that his or her share shall go to his or her heirs in full.
Witnesseth my hand this October 10, 1911. James P. Corbin.
Here is James P. Corbin's Obituary from the Unionville Republican, November 8, 1916, pg.,1/4-5:
News of the death of J.P. CORBIN was received with surprise as few people knew he was seriously ill. He had been in failing health for two years but had been confined to his room for only a short time.
James P. CORBIN was born in PUTNAM CO., July 13, 1850, and died at his home October 31, 1916. He moved to Adams CO., NE. in 1877, where he met and married Miss Clara HOWE, May 17, 1880.She died in April, 1881, and the following year he was married to Mrs. Phoebe HOWE, who died in 1907.
In 1892 he moved back to Putnam CO. from Nebraska, and bought a farm seven and one half miles west of here, which continued to be his home until the time of his death. Mr. CORBIN was a good neighbor and honest in all his dealings.
He is survived by four children, Arthur L., of Oklahoma, Elmer N., of Hastings, NE., and Mrs. Daisy Noland of this county, and Herman who resides at home.
The funeral was conducted Wednesday afternoon by Rev. J.D. Noland at the Bethany Church. A large number of friends were present to pay their last respects to Mr. CORBIN. The body was laid to rest in the Bethany Cemetery, Putnam County, Missouri. (Furnished by Mrs. Irene Radcliff, a descendant of Martha Jane (Corbin) Plummer.)
Most of the information on the James P. and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin family was provided to me by Maggie Eva Noland, daughter of John Wesley and Daisy May (Corbin) Noland. Maggie married Tom Young and the two of them visited the blog author at his home in Moscow, Idaho in 1978. We enjoyed a very pleasant visit and many letters were exchanged over the next few years.
Maggie (Noland) Young wrote this: "Herman Corbin was the youngest child of James Polk and Phebe Corbin and was raised on a farm by his parents. It was a fertile farm in Putnam County, Missouri totaling about 80 acres, of which there was a 60-acre orchard with many varieties of apples. Herman married and continued to lie on the farm with his father until Jim Polk Corbin died. He was in his father's will to have the farm and also to be responsible for Arthur Lee Corbin as long as he lived. He was struck by bad luck and through hard times lost the farm. He then worked on farms around the area for many years. He moved to Iowa and worked for Henry Lunsford Milling and Lumber Company. Herman was noted for being the hardest and fastest working man in Putnam County. He was a small good looking man with dark brown curly hair.
His wife, Kittie (Daughtery) Corbin, was raised in a foster home from the age of nine. They took her from an orphanage in St. Louis, Missouri. Her foster mother was Mrs. Andrew Nichols. It is said that her foster mother was worried about Kitty's future and when she was 16, she arranged to have her married to Herman Corbin without telling Kitty. She took her to town one Saturday, bought her a new blouse and skirt and took her to the courthouse where they met Herman and were married. Kitty had never had a date with him but Mrs. Nichols knew him and felt that he had a good farm and was a good man so he'd make a good husband. They ended up having 11 children and a good married life."
The Only Child of James P. and Clara Angelen (Howe) Corbin: Arthur Lee Corbin
Arthur Lee Corbin was born on March 2, 1881 in Adams County, Nebraska the son of James P. and Angelen (Howe) Corbin. His mother died shortly after his birth as the result of measles and pneumonia. He was raised by his maternal grandmother, Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe who married James P. Corbin a year after his mother died in 1883.
Arthur Lee Corbin never married and lived with his brother, Herman Corbin. He died on June 3, 1966 at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas and is buried in Lemon Cemetery, Putnam County, Missouri.
This is a photo of Arthur Lee and Herman Alfred Corbin taken in their farm home in Missouri.
The First Child of James P. and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin: Elmer Nathaniel Corbin
Elmer Nathaniel Corbin was born May 26, 1883 in Adams County, Nebraska the son of James Polk and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin. Elmer was married to Eva Ethel Reed on November 20, 1907. Elmer spent his entire life in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska where he was a carpenter and building contractor.
This is photo of Elmer Nathaniel and Ethel Corbin taken in front of their home in Hastings, Nebraska.
Elmer Corbin died suddenly of a heart attack on April 26, 1933 while working on the roof of a garage. His wife Ethel died on July 20, 1942. Both are buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Hastings, Nebraska.
Elmer and Eva Ethel Corbin were the parents of three children:
1. Annabelle Corbin born June 16, 1911 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Annabelle married Morris D. Kellison on December 9, 1946 at Reno, Nevada. Mr. Kellison was an electrician at Los Angeles, California. He died on November 21, 1958 at Los Angeles, California.

This is a photograph of Annabelle Corbin when she was about one year old.
2. Orris Kenneth Corbin was born to Elmer Nathaniel and Eva Ethel Corbin on February 19, 1913 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. He was married on July 1, 1934 to Clara Ruth Gordon who was born at Pawnee City, Nebraska. They were the parents of three children:
David Kenneth Corbin born July 20, 1936 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska
Walter Eugene Corbin born November 4, 1937 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska
Cynthia Hope Corbin born November 20, 1941 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska.
David Kenneth Corbin married Sandra Ruth McCorquodale on June 21, 1959 and they have two children: Sheryl Ruth born February 13, 1963 and Lawrence Michael Corbin born January 17, 1967.
Walter Eugene and his wife Linda Corbin had no children as of 1980.
Cynthia Hope Corbin married "Doc" Clark and they have two children: Kenneth Matthew Clark born September 25, 1967 and Robert Lewis Clark born February 14, 1971. They resided on Bainbridge Island, Washington in 1980.
3. Warren Dwight Corbin was the son of Elmer Nathaniel and Eva Ethel Corbin and was born April 2, 1924 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska and married Genevieve Maxine Underhill on June 27, 1945 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Genevieve Maxine (Underhill) Corbin was born September 18, 1923. Warren D. and Genevieve Maxine Corbin were the parents of three children:
Barbara Ann Corbin was born January 10, 1947 and married David Rollin Berrbroer on December 12, 1965. David Berrbroer was born February 19, 1947. They have three children: Cindy Marie born January 21, 1968; Steven Robert born August 14, 1970 and Dennis James born October 18, 1971.
Gary Marvin Corbin, son of Warren and Genevieve Corbin, was born on July 31, 1948.
Kenneth Dale Corbin, son of Warren and Genevieve Corbin, was born June 6, 1952.
Warren Dwight Corbin died on March 18, 1970 at Gardena, California.
The Second Child of James P. and Phebe A. (Dunn) Howe-Corbin: Daisy May Corbin
Daisy May Corbin was born on October 24, 1884 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska and married John Wesley Noland on October 1, 1901. He was the son of Benjamin I. and Margaret (Scott) Noland.
Maggie Noland Young writes of her parents: "John and Daisy worked hard all of their lives. He was a farmer and laborer for others near West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri. They worked so hard in life but never seemed to get ahead. Neither had very good health and Daisy died at the age of 47 from a heart attack and John died at the age of 56 from a stroke and heart attack."
John Wesley Noland was born November 24, 1882 at Norton, Norton County, Kansas and died October 14, 1938 at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Daisy May Corbin died on January 14, 1932 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Kansas.
John and Daisy Noland were the parents of four children:
1. Maggie Eva Noland born June 30, 1902 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri.
2. Christle Marie Noland born November 28, 1903 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri
3. Linnie Alberta Noland born January 14, 1906 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri
4. Leo Elvin Noland born September 3, 1918 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri.
Maggie Eva Noland was born June 7, 1900 at Lucerne, Putnam County, Missouri and was married to Thomas Earl "Tommie" Young on August 17, 1921 at Unionville, Putnman County, Missouri. Tommie was the son of Arthur and Mary Belle (Breene) Young. He was a farmer and later worked for Boeing Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas. Both the Youngs were members of the Baptist Church.
This is a photo of Tom and Maggie (Noland) Young when the visited the author at Moscow, Idaho in 1978. Tom and Maggie Young were a great help in gathering information on the James P. Corbin family.
The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge all of the work of Maggie and Tom Young in gathering the information for the Daisy May and Herman Noland family. She finished the work while she was in the hospital and unfortunately passed away on May 15, 1979 at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Maggie wrote of herself, "I am a homemaker primarily. I worked out in people's homes from the time I was 12 until I was married at age 19. I have always worked in church and civic affairs and belonged to many clubs. I love to sew and do fancy work. I taught Sunday School in the beginners department at Immanuel Baptist Church in Wichita for 34 years."
Of Tommie she wrote, "Tommie was raised on a farm near Lucerne, Missouri. He continued to farm in Putnam County until March 1923 when we moved to Bronaugh, Missouri and farmed for two years. We then moved into the town of Bronaugh and Tommie worked in a coal strip pit until September 4, 1928 when we moved to Wichita, Kansas where Maggie's sisters lived. Tommy worked for the Santa Fe Railroad for 13 years and then at the Boeing Aircraft Company for 211/2 years before retiring. He has been faithful to his church and served in many capacities."
The Youngs have three children:
Mary Ruth Young born November 24, 1923 at Bronaugh, Missouri
Melba Jean Young born April 20, 1926 at Bronaugh, Missouri
and Jerry Dale Young born September 11, 1931 at Wichita, Kansas.
Mary Ruth Young was married to Robert Owen Wertenberger on April 21, 1946 in Wichita, Kansas. Melbe Jean Young was married to Kenneth Wayne Geoffroy on June 10, 1948 at Wichita, Kansas. Jerry Dale Young married Norma Jean Ross on December 8, 1951 at Wichita, Kansas.
Crystal Marie Noland was born November 28, 1903 at West Liberty, Missouri and married to Delbert Thurman Agee. They had one daughter, Dorothy Mae Agee, who married Robert Coates on May 12, 1946 and they have two children: Deborah Jean born March 25, 1947 and Connie Lee born March 25, 1953. Christle Marie (Noland) Agee died September 7, 1958 at Wichita, Kansas.
Linnie Alberta Noland was born January 14, 1906 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri and married Albert Leslie Doyle on March 20, 1923 at Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Linnie (Noland) and Albert Doyle are the parents of three children:
Hazel Marie Doyle born Marach 17, 1925.
Alberta LaDean Doyle born Ausut 1, 1928
Alice Jean Doyle born February 27, 1932.
Hazel Marie Doyle married Norman Woods on March 12, 1946. Alberta LaDean Doyle married Thomas Sanford on January 20, 1952. Alice Jean Doyle married Donald Lee Woods on December 3, 1949.
Leo Elvin Noland was born on September 3, 1918 at West Liberty, Putnam County, Missouri and was married to Emma Irene Busch on January 5, 1939 at Wichita, Kansas. He passed away on September 14, 1974 at Fredonia, Kansas and is buried din Bellview Cemetery, Fredonia, Wilson County, Kansas.
The third child of James Polk and Phebe Ann (Dunn) Howe-Corbin was Herman Alfred Corbin who was born November 25, 1886 at Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska and was married to Kittie Clyde Daughtery. Kittie was an orphaned child and was born on November 25, 1891 at Trenton, Missouri. Herman and Kitty C were the parents of eleven children:
1. Phoebe Eva Lena Corbin born July 11, 1909 at Unionville, Putnma County, Missouri.
2. Hazel Laurene Corbin born May 3, 1911 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
3, Lucy Marie Corbin born October 12, 1913 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
4. Clyde Trulin Corbin born April 15, 1916 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
5. Ralph Victor Leon Corbin born November 9, 1918 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
6. Alfred Junior Corbin born January 9, 1921 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
7. Amber May Corbin born August 17, 1923 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
8. Twyla Lucille Corbin born December 6, 1925 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
9. Mavis Elene Corbin born April 23, 1929 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
10. Doris Jean Corbin born October 17, 1931 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri
11. Janet Rosalie Corbin born February 9, 1934 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri.
This is a photograph of the Herman Corbin Family. Unfortunately, individual members are not identified. If you are able to do so, please leave identifications in the "Comments" section at the end of this blog.
1. Phoebe Eva Lena Corbin was born July 11, 1909 at Lucerne, Putnam County, Missouri and was married to Harold Leon Smith. Harold L. Smith was born on September 4, 1905 at Camden, Missouri. Harold and Pheobe E. L. Smith were the parents of nine children:
a. Melvin Ray Smith born December 29, 1928
b. Melva Louis Smith born March 17, 1930
c. Milford Russell Smith born November 13, 1932
d. Mildred Leanna Smith born January 8, 1935
e. Meldon Rex Smith born September 8, 1935
f. George Earl Smith born August 28, 1941
g. Amber Lou Smith born November 4, 1943
h. Ronald Max Smith born March 27, 1945
i. Jerry Wayne Smith born June 15, 1950.

a. Melvin Ray Smith was married to Toshiko Kawanara on June 20, 1947 and they are the parents of four children: Judy Ann born February 1, 1950 and married to Joe Wiseman on June 17, 1972; Donna Mae born August 3, 1953; James Ricky Smith born August 24, 1957 and Ida Jean Smith born June 15, 1963. They lived in Valley Station, Kentucky in 1980.
b. Melva Louise Smith was married to Lloyd Allison on August 25, 1950 and they are the parents of four children: Brenda Carol born July 12, 1952 and married to Jerry Noland on January 2, 1976; Ronda Fay who was born February 15, 1956 and is married to Preston Rogers on February 29, 1976; Glenda Kim Smith born August 10, 1963 and Keith Douglas born January 7, 1965. The Allisons live in Collins, Iowa in 1980.
d. Mildred Leanna Smith married Don Peterson on December 20, 1953. They are the parents of two children: Danile Stephen born February 10, 1955 and Denise Renee born January 9, 1960.
e. Meldon Rex Smith was married to Sophie Fotovich on February 22, 1962. They are the parents of eight children: Lorraine born September 28, 1962; Philip Owen born January 3, 1964; Matthew James born May 2, 1965; Marcus Eugene born June 11, 1966; Paul Bradley born August 1, 1971; Carl Wesley born July 12, 1973; Samuel Theodore born August 26, 1974 and Timothy Ivan born August 26, 1974. The twins, Samuel and Timothy passed away on August 31, 1974. The Smiths lived in Gower, Iowa in 1980.
f. George Earl Smith was married to Barbara Newell on August 10, 1965. They are the parents of five children: Michael Shawn born December 2, 1965; Dwight Christopher born May 12, 1966; Valerie Lynn born April 4, 1968; Travis Anthony born August 11, 1969 and Dustin Neal born February 15, 1971. The Smiths lived in Slater, Iowa in 1980.
g. Amber Lou Smith married Vernon William Hickle on March 8, 1965. They are the parents of three children: Tracey Lee born September 24, 1965; Kristy Marie born September 20, 1965 and Lori Ann born April 28, 1972. It was Amber Hickle who assisted Maggie (Noland) Young in collecting much of the data for this blog. The Hickle family resided in Collins, Iowa in 1980.
h. Harold Max Smith was married to Marchia Becvar on April 9, 1965. They are the parents of Jody Alane Smith born July 29, 1971 and Robert John Smith born July 25, 1975.
i. Jerry Wayne Smith married Beverly Johnson on October 31, 1971. They are the parents of two children: Lisa Lynn born December 13, 1973 and Darrell DeWayne born June 30, 1976. The Smiths reside in Nevada, Iowa in 1980.
2. Hazel Lurene Corbin was born May 3, 1911 at Lucerne, Missouri and married Victor Eugene Pauley on September 3, 1927. Victor E. Pauley was born on April 16, 105 in Sullivan County, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Pauley were members of the Methodist Church.
Victor E. and Hazel L. (Corbin) Pauley were the parents of eight children:
a. Virginia Faye Pauley born April 13, 1928 in Putnam County, Missouri
b. Violet Fern Pauley born June 3, 1930 in Putnam County, Missouri
c. Iva Lurene Pauley born April 26, 1932 in Sullivan County, Missouri
d. Samuel Eugene Pauley born September 11, 1934 and died September 18, 1934
e. Shirley Ann Pauley born January 16, 1938 in Hardin, Iowa
f. Doris Carol Pauley born July 18, 1940 in Johnson County, Iowa
g. Ronald Victor Leon Pauley, born Ausut 3, 1942 in Johnson County, Iowa
h. Geraldine Pauley born August 29, 1944 in Story County, Iowa.
c. Iva Lurene Pauley married Robert Wayne Oxley on September 23, 1950 at Nevada, Story County, Iowa. Both are member of the Lutheran Church. To this union were born five children: Sharon Kay born September 6, 1951; Michael David on January 22, 1953; Linda Carol on June 2, 1955; Mark Wayne on December 14, 1957 and Steven Leon on August 26, 1959.
e. Shirley Ann Pauley was married to Clyde Marion Ball on May 11, 1953 at Harrison Arkansas. Mr. Ball is a truck driver and Shirley is a waitress. They have one daughter, Connie Jean born February 25, 1954.
Shirley Ann Pauley was married a second time to Mr. Robert Charles Davis on August 25, 1955. Mr. Davis was born February 17, 1932. They have two children: Debra Sue born June 30, 1956 and Diane Lurene born on January 21, 1958. Both were born in Hardin County, Iowa.
Shirley Ann Pauley was married a third time to John George Krabacher on August 8, 1960 at Omaha, Nebraska. They have one child, Dawn Denise, born October 18, 1961 in Story County, Iowa. Mr. Krabacher is an ironworker and Mrs. Krabacher is a cashier.
f. Doris Carol Pauley was married to Earl Manford Otto on July 25, 1958 at Nevada, Story County, Iowa. He was born August 7, 1939. They are the parents of six children: Clint Leroy born November 12, 1958; Carla Rae born June 20, 1950; Gail Renae born June 29, 1961; Victor Wayne born May 15, 1963; Victoria Sue born May 15, 1963 and Kimberly Kay born December 5, 1964.
g. Ronald Victor Leon Pauley was married to Mary Laurene Olinger on December 30, 1963 at Honolulu, Hawaii. Mr. Pauley is manager of a store and Mrs. Pauley is a hair dresser. Both are members of the Lutheran Church. To this union, three children were born: Douglas Eugene on January 19, 1965; Michael Wayne on February 15, 1966 and Wade Arron on April 27, 1970. This marriage ended in divorce.
h. Geraldine Pauley was married to Walter James Wittick, Jr. in 1964. To this sunion were born two children: Calista Arlene on April 21, 1965 and Gregory Paul on June 20, 1970. This marriage ended in divorce.
3. Lucy Marie Corbin was born on October 12, 1913 in Putnam County, Missouri and married Clyde Charles Sodders on October 16, 1931. Clyde Sodders was aborn on August 17, 1900 in Sullivan County, Missouri and died October 17, 1973. Clyde and Lucy Marie (Corbin) Sodders were the parents of eight children:
a. Bill Max born March 26, 1932 in Putnam County, Missouri
b. Alfred Dean born January 7, 1934
c. Mary Lee born December 22, 1936
d. Dorothy Marie born May 19, 1938 in Richmond, Missouri
e. Charles Leon born July 26, 1940
f. James Robert born May 12, 1944
g. John DeWayne born September 22, 1945
h. Glen Dale born January 24, 1954
The Obituary of Lucy Marie (Corbin) Sodders - October 12, 1913 to August 2, 1988
Lucy Marie Sodders, 74, Nevada, died of chancer today at Mary Greeley Medical Center. Funeral services will be at 11am, Thursday at Chet Ryan Mortuary, Nevada with the Rev. Oliver Johnson officiating. Burial will be in the Murphy Cemetery near Fernald, Iowa.
Lucy Corbin was born October 12, 1913 in Lucerne Missouri to Herman and Kittie (Daugherty) Corbin. She lived in Story County for 33 years. She worked as a waitress and also worked at Johnson Hardware and Erickson Furniture in Nevada.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one sister; a cousin, an infant daughter, two infant grandsons; and her husband Clyde Sodders who died in 1975.
Survivors include five sons: Bill of Cambridge; Charlels and John of Nevada, Jim of Maxwell, Geln of Ellsworth; two daughters, Mary L. Lowery of Coucamonga, California and Dorothy Bartmess of Story City; three brothers, trulin of Apache Junction, Arizona, Ralph of Nevada, and Junior of Pollock, Missouri; six sisters, Hazel Pauley and Amber Drahos of Nevada, Twyla Bailey of Albany, Oregon, Mavis Dull of Kansas City, Kansas, Doris Whipple of Hampton, Janet Huges of Newton, 32 grandchildren, and several great grandchildren.
a. Billy Max Sodders married Zona Mae Cockerham on November 4, 1950. Zona was born April 8, 1934. They are the parents of four children: Richard Euene born October 26, 1951 and married to Patricia Clayton on August 18, 1973 in Honolulu, Hawaii; Ronald Dean born August 2, 1953; Barbara Ann born April 17, 1958 and married to Roy Eugene Wilson on December 8, 1973; and Beverly Jean born February 17, 1965. Barbara Ann Sodders and Roy Eugene Wilson are th eparents of two children, Michele Lynn born January 13, 1974 and Janel Renee born September 30, 1977.
d. Dorothy Marie Sodders married Harold Franklin Bartmess on August 26, 1955. Harold was born June 6, 1935 in Sullivan County, Missouri to Henry Simon and Emma (Myers) Bartmess. To this union, four children were born: Harold Leroy on June 5, 1956; Craig Alan on January 16, 1960; David Lee on April 27, 1963 and Matthew Scott on May 11, 1972. All were born in Nevada, Story County, Iowa. The family currently resides in Story City, Iowa.
g. John DeWayne Sodders was married to Carol Jean Stevens on June 8, 1968. Carol was born October 10, 1953 in Collins County, Iowa. They have two children: Patrick Scott born July 13, 1971 and Kelly Jo born March 1, 1974.
4. Clyde Trulin Corbin was born on April 15, 1916 in Putnam County, Missouri and was married on January 20, 1935 to Mary Ellen Deeds. To this union, five children were born:
a. Herman Edward Corbin born May 17, 1936
b. Jessie Louise Corbin born February 13, 1938
c. Alta Ruth Corbin born June 4. 1939
d. Mary Catherine Corbin born May 7, 1941
e, Marion Lee Corbin born July 18, 1944
a. Herman Edward Corbin was married to Barbara Ann Cook in October 1954. They had one daughter, Claudia Ann who was born on March 27, 1955 and was married to Rick Atkinson in 1972. They have one child, Celeste Dawn, born June 3, 1974 in Nevada, Iowa.
Herman was married a second time to Sandra Sue Pierce on June 15, 1957 at Princeton, Mercer County, Missouri. Five children were born to this union: Diana Marie on November 12, 1958; Ralph Eugene on February 7, 1959. Ralph E. Corbin married Rebecca Ann Meals on April 8, 1978. Johnny Edward Corbin, son of Herman and Sandra, was born on December 24, 1960, Kent Allen was born October 26, 1965 and Daniel Lee was born on September 30, 1966.
b. Jessie Louise Corbin was married to Glen Virgil Mathis on June 9, 1962. Glen was born June 18, 1935. They have three children: Michael Glenn born December 17, 1962; Kenneth ray born July 17, 1964 and Marla Louise born July 27, 1968 all in Story County, Iowa. The Mathis family resides in Roland, Iowa in 1980.
c. Alta Ruth Corbin married Robert Ambrose Klein on June 15, 1957 in Nevada, Iowa. They had two children: Gary Gene on December 1, 1957 and Rodney Lynn on December 20, 1958.
Alta Ruth was married a second time to Gordon Dean Mann on March 7, 1959 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri. Mr. Mann adopted Gary and Rodney Klein. Alta and Gordon Mann are the parents of three children: Edwin Dean born September 22, 1961; Kevin Bruce born October 9, 1963; and Phillis Elaine born May 10, 1965.
Gary Eugene Mann was married to Carol Ann Ogden on February 19, 1977 at Roland, Story County, Iowa.
e. Marion Lee Corbin was married to Katherine Delphine Jones on March 2, 1963 at Davenport, Iowa. Three children were born to this union: Lisa Kay on November 15, 1964; Steven Wade on October 30, 1966 and Andrea Jo on August 20, 1970.
5. Ralph Victor Leon Corbin was born on November 9, 1918 and was married on June 4, 1949 to Violet F. Pauley. Violet was born on June 3, 1930. They were the parents of three children:
a. Nancy Lee Corbin born June 18, 1951
b. Dwight Earl Corbin born September 7, 1953
c. Dennis Dean Corbin born September 21, 1959
Ralph V. L. Corbin served in the U. S. Navy and was a carpenter. Violet and Ralph are the parents of three children. Nancy Lee Corbin married William Junior Askern on May 11, 1968. He passed away on February 19, 1976. They were the parents of two children: Joseph L. Askern born November 8, 1968 and Sandra Sue Askern born January 8, 1972.
6. Herman Alford Corbin, Jr. was born on January 9, 1921 in Sullivan County, Missouri. He was married to Iva Arlene Wood on June 16, 1943. Iva A. (Wood) Corbin was born on June 24, 1926 in Gilbert, Iowa. Herman and Arlene Corbin were the parents of six children:
a. Jeanette Arlene Corbin born March 27, 1944 in Traer, Iowa
b. Josephine Deanna Corbin born June 24, 1946 in Boone, Iowa
c. Alford Allen Corbin born July 27, 1951 in Ames, Iowa
d. Douglas Paul Corbin born March 24, 1954 in Nevada, Iowa
e. Elizabeth Rachele Corbin born September 9, 1958 in Nevada, Iowa
g. Delila Jane Corbin born August 10, 1964 in Iowa City, Iowa.
The Obituary of Herman Alford Corbin, Junior
January 9, 1921 to April 26, 2005
Alford Junior Corbin, age 84, of Unionville, Missouri passed away Tuesday, April 26, at the Putnam County Care Center in Unionville.
Alford was born in Putnam County, Missouri on January 9, 1921, the son of Alford Herman and Kittie (Doughety) Corbin. He was united in marriage to Iva Arlene Wood on June 16, 1943. They made their home for many years in the Nevada, Iowa area, where as a young man he worked as a farm laborer and later was a long-time employee for the Nevada Brick and Tile Company. After losing part of his hand in an industrial accident, the couple moved back to Putnam County, Missouri in 1977 and worked on the farm with his son until his retirement, when they moved to Newtown, Missouri and later to Unionville, Missouri.
Alford was preceded in death by his parents, one brother Trulan Corbin and seven sisters; Lena, Hazel, Lucy, Amber, Twila, Mavis and Rose along with his daughter, Delila Jane.
He is survived by his wife Iva of Unionville, his brother Ralph Corbin of Fernald; his sister Doris Whipple of Hampton; sons: Alford Reger of Newtown, Missouri, and Paul Corbin of Lockridge, Iowa; daughters, Jannette Dixson of Enid, Oklahoma, Deanna Lint of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Rachelle Smith of Nevada, Iowa along with his 15 grandchildren and 31 great-grandchildren and a host of beloved nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be held at the Murphy Cemetery at 10 a.m. on June 4th.
a. Jeanette Arlene Corbin is married to Leonard Dixon, Jr. They have four children: Charles D. Ellis born December 15, 1961; Jeffery L. Ellis born October 2, 1963; James D. Ellis born February 2, 1964 and Neno Lynn Young born April 2, 1969.
b. Josephine Deanna Corbin married David Jerold Lint and they are the parents of four children: Brian Shawn Scott born September 12, 1965; David Jerald born August 18, 1967; Debra Kianne born June 23, 1969; and Mark Allen born March 12, 1972.
d. Douglas Paul Corbin married Vickie Douglas and they are the parents of two children: Jeromy Paul born March 18, 1973 and Misty Sue born January 17, 1977.
e. Elizabeth Rachelle Corbin married Michael Peterson and they are the parents of Michael Stanley Peterson born October 30, 1976.
7. Amber May Corbin was born on August 17, 1923 and was married to Frank Drahos. Frank Drahos was born June 27, 1900 in Traer, Iowa and died on December 13, 1977 in Nevada, Story County, Iowa. They did not have children.
The Obituary of Amber May Drahos from April 26, 2004
Amber May Drahos, 80, of Nevada, died Saturday, April 24, 2004 at Mercy Hospital Medical Center in Des Moines of complications from surgery. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 27, at Chet Ryan Mortuary, with the Rev. Dennis Reynolds officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy Cemetery in rural Nevada.
Amber was born on Aug. 17, 1923, in Putnam County, Mo., to Herman A. and Kittie C. (Daughtery) Corbin. She married Frank Drahos on April 14, 1947, in Princeton, Mo. She retired from Donnelley Marketing in 1988. She enjoyed helping others, embroidery work, cooking, visiting with friends and relatives and going out to eat.
She is survived by two brothers, Ralph Corbin of Nevada and Alfred Jr. Corbin of Unionville, Mo.; two sisters, Doris Whipple of Hampton and Mavis Dull of Kansas City, Kan.; and many, many nieces and nephews, great nieces and nephews and great-great nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Frank on Dec. 13, 1977; one brother, Trulin; and five sisters, Janet, Twylia, Lucy, Lena and Hazel.
Visitation will be after 3 p.m. today, with the family present from 6 to 8 p.m. at Chet Ryan Mortuary in Nevada.
8. Twyla Lucille Corbin was born on December 6, 1925 in Lucerne, Putnam County, Missouri and married Ernest Basil Jones in 1946. Mr. Jones died in 1954. They were the parents of two children: Neva Jane Jones born November 21, 1947 at Ames, Iowa and Larry Dean Jones born January 27, 1953 in Iowa City, Iowa.
Twyla Lucille Corbin-Jones was married a second time to Keneth LaVerne Bailey. Kenneth was born January 29, 1920 at Daws, Iowa. Kenneth and Twyla were the parents of two children:
Judy Ann Bailey born February 11, 1955 at Eldora, Iowa and Alice Margaret Bailey born February 23, 1963 at Portland, Oregon. The Bailey's resided in Terrebonne, Oregon in 1980.
9. Mavis Elene Corbin was born April 23, 1929 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri and married James Henderson Dull on April 23, 1950. Jmes H. Dull was born April 6, 1930 in Wyandotte County, Kansas. They are the parents of three children:
David Allen Dull born August 10, 1951 in Wyandotte County, Kansas
Larry Rae Dull born October 25, 1954 in Wyandotte County, Kansas
Ronald Wayne Dull born December 8, 1956 in Wyandotte County, Kansas
This marriage ended in divorce in 1963.
David Allen Dull married Linda Sue Brooks on June 19, 1971. Linda was born on May 17, 1950. They have one son, Christopher Mickle born November 26, 1972.
10. Doris Jean Corbin was born October 17, 1931 in Putnam County, Missouri and was married on June 11, 1952 to Wilbur DeWayne Whipple. Wilbur was born March 23, 1929 in Franklin, Iowa. The Whipples do not have children at this writing and live in Hampton, Iowa.
11. Janet Rosalie Corbin was born on February 9, 1934 at Unionville, Putnam County, Missouri and married Kenneth Ray Hughes on December 26, 1952. Kenneth Ray Hughes was born on March 23, 1929 in Newton, Jasper County, Iowa. Kenneth and Janet Hughes are the parents of two children: Beverly Kay Hughes born December 11, 1956 in Newton, Iowa and Chris Allen Hughes born November 13, 1957 in Newton, Iowa.
The Obituary of Janet Rosalie Hughes:
Feb. 9, 1934, to Sept. 30, 1999
Janet Rosalee Hughes, 65, of Nevada, died of liver cancer on Thursday, Sept. 30, at Story County Hospital in Nevada.
She was born Feb. 9, 1934, in Lucerne, Putnam County, Mo., to Herman and Kittie (Daugherty) Corbin. She had been a resident of Nevada for the past seven years, moving here from Newton. She retired from Ames Processed Food Inc. in 1997. She enjoyed being with family.
Survivors include a daughter, Beverly Grimm of Norfolk, Va.; a son, Chris Hughes of Knoxville; three grandchildren; three brothers, Trulin Corbin of Apache Junction, Ariz., Ralph Corbin of Nevada and Junior Corbin of Newtown, Mo.; four sisters, Hazel Pauley of Colo, Amber Drahos of Nevada, Mavis Dull of Kansas City, Kan., and Doris Whipple of Hampton; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents and three sisters, Lena Smith, Lucy Sodders and Twylia Bailey.
The body has been cremated and graveside memorial services were held Tuesday, Oct. 5, at the Murphy Cemetery in rural Nevada with Chaplain David Burling officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society. Chet Ryan Mortuary, Nevada, handled arrangements.
Beverly Kay Hughes married Earl Dwaye Grimm on April 9, 1977 in Newton, Iowa.
Note: All of the above information was collected between 1977 and 1980 and the author has made no effort to go further and has no intentions to do so. I'm hopeful future generations will pick up this work and carry it forward.
Happy trails!
The Corbin group picture above is (to the best of my identifying skills):
ReplyDeletefront row, l to r: Rose, Doris, Mavis and Twylia
second row, l to r : Lucy, Hazel, Lena, Kittie, Alford Herman
third row, l to r: Amber, Junior, Ralph, Trulin
I think Ralph is wearing his Navy uniform which would put this in the early 1940s perhaps 1941.
Thanks for identifying these family members. I was hoping someone would be able to do so. Thanks again! Nick Clark
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome. My father passed away when I was rather young (4 years old) so I didn't really know much about his side of the family. This really helps! My father is Rodney Lynn Mann who is the son of Alta Ruth Mann and Robert Ambrose Klein. For more information on him. Rodney married Lori Jean Sandage on June 4, 1983. They had 2 daughters. Stacy Jo Mann and Jennifer Lyn Mann. Rodney then passed away on December 20,1994.